Italy has been at the forefront of opposing any form of actions including sanctions against Ethiopia and Eritrea at the council of the European Union. Moreover, Italy is among the countries that are now working towards a very premature and dangerous reengagement of the European Union with the Ethiopian regime without any concrete commitment from the Ethiopian side for genuine peace process, accountability for grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights, and refugee laws, and without lifting the brutal siege on Tigray.
Italy has also been supporting the Ethiopian regime with bilateral economic cooperation; to name the most notable ones being the 22 million Euro subsidized loan agreement signed on the 13th of June 2022; the 1.5 million Euro loan for the Ethiopian Government under “food safety project” on the 28th of April 2021; and the 258 million Ethiopian Birr financing deal signed by the Italian Government for the Ethiopian government in July 2021, to name just a few.
Moreover, Italy has had covert and overt military cooperation with the genocidal regime in Addis Ababa, the most notable one being the bilateral defence cooperation agreement signed between Italy and Ethiopia on the 10th of April 2019. Despite claims by Italian authorities that this agreement has been suspended, the close partnership between Italy and Ethiopia shows that these and other covert military cooperation might indeed be underway.
Italy has unfortunately chosen to be in the wrong side of history by directly and indirectly supporting the genocidal war on the people of Tigray. We believe this is a historic mistake that ought to be corrected. Therefore, we demand from the people and the government of Italy to refrain from supporting the genocidal regimes in Addis Ababa and Asmara by withholding the political, economic, diplomatic, and military support that Italy has been giving to both the genocidal regimes.
Tigrayan diaspora communities in Rome, Oslo, Brussels, Paris, Copenhagen, Koln, Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart will also stage simultaneous demonstrations. Read also: Etiopia, la diaspora del Tigray rompe il silenzio sul genocidio con manifestazioni globali
Join us tomorrow, Friday 22 July 2022 from 10.00 in front of the Embassy of the Italian Republic in The Hague for a peaceful demonstration against Against Italy’s policies regarding the Genocidal War on Tigray.
Thursday, July 22 | 10:30-13:00pm
Embassy of the Italian Republic at Parkstraat 101 Den Haag
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